News & Activities

Secretary General of the NBTC Welcomed Finnish Ambassador to Thailand

15 February 2019 11.02

On 15 February 2019, Mr. Takorn Tantasith, Secretary General of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) and other NBTC Executive Directors welcomed H.E. Ms. Satu Suikkari-Kleven, Ambassador of Finland to Thailand at the Office of the NBTC. Both sides discussed and emphasized the bilateral cooperation in area of communication technology. On this occasion, Finland proposed the exchange of note on amateur radio in order to facilitate the radio amateurs of both countries in which the draft proposal is in accordance with the provision set by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). 

Moreover, Mr. Tantasith informed Her Excellency about the NBTC's mission on driving 5G technology in Thailand. The NBTC, in cooperation with Chulalongkorn University, established 5G AI/IoT Innovation Center as 5G field trials for private operators in Thailand. Mr. Tantasith also invited Finnish technological companies to join the field trials at 5G Center.

H.E. the Ambassador would invite the leading Finish technological companies to participate in the 5G field trials in Thailand. Moreover, Her Excellency presented the Finnish policies on local broadcasting, for instance, "Clear Finnish" policy to promote the non-Finnish language content in their local programs and the increasing of sign language on TV programs. Moreover, the government of Finland, in cooperation with the academic institutes, launched the online courses on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in English language which are available free of charge.


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