International Economic Cooperation Division

International Economic Cooperation Division

1) Study, analyze and propose  recommendations to the NBTC’s position toward the international trade negotiations in telecommunications and broadcasting services.
2) Negotiate trade agreements i.e. bilateral Free-Trade Agreements (FTAs), Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) and other relevant agreements under the World Trade Organization (WTO)
3) Coordinate, prepare supporting documents and attend both domestic and international meetings that related to the trade negotiations on telecommunications and broadcasting services.
4) Provide the technical information and comments on Telecommunications liberalization and regulations for relevant domestic authorities and international organizations as requested. 
5) Facilitate travel arrangement for the NBTC Commissioners, executives and officers to attend the international negotiation and relevant meetings. 
6) Participate in the drafting committee of NBTC laws and regulations to ensure that the provisions are complied with the international trade obligations.
7) Perform other tasks as assigned.

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