News & Activities

Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (Office of the NBTC) to Sign a Memorandum of Understanding with PDR Loa’s Ministry of Post and Telecommunications

10 September 2018 00.09

          On February 9, 2016, an MOU signing between the Office of National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (Office of the NBTC) and the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, PDR Lao took place at Conference Hall, 2nd Floor, Office of the NBTC from 2 PM – 4 PM. The purpose of this MOU signing is to form a collaboration framework among the regulators within the ASEAN Region covering various aspects including telecommunications service regulation, spectrum management, handling of signal interference along the borders, issuance of license, consumer protection, sharing of academic data and best practices, including other current issues or challenges due to rapid changes in technological and social media trends.  

          The event was attended by His Excellency HiemPhommachanh, Minister of PDR Lao Post and Telecommunications, along with representatives from PDR Lao Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Director-General of Telecommunications Department and senior executives who later exchanged knowledge and experience with NBTC concerning the adoption of mobile application for prepaid SIM Card registration. On February 8, 2016, NBTC hosted an academic seminar to share some knowledge and experience on Thailand’s mobile application for prepaid SIM Card registration with PDR Lao Ministry of Post and Telecommunications representatives, followed by giving a full demonstrating on the actual process of mobile application for prepaid SIM Card registration at Advance Wireless Network Co., Ltd. The guests admired Office of the NBTC performance and requested for further knowledge sharing on other matters in the future.   

          Office of the NBTC plans to give the prototype system (for free) to PDR Lao Ministry of Post and Telecommunications with the aim to support the completion of mobile application for prepaid SIM Card registration system by 2016. At the same time, Office of the NBTC plans to become the leading organization within the ASEAN Region in regulating telecommunications service and dealing with signal interference along the borders. This MOU signing does not only bring closer ties between NBTC Chairman and the Minister of Post and Telecommunications of PDR Lao but also promotes collaboration between the two organizations with the aim to strengthen the ASEAN Community.

Number of visitors : 9105